Monday, October 29, 2007

Mr. Bryne's comment may have been taken out of context

I am an African American 38 yr old women living in Detroit, MI and I heard about Mr. Bryne's comments from a local radio show while driving home from work. So I decided to google the comments when I got home to form my own opinion before passing judgement. I've read what I believe was Mr. Bryne's exact words and would have to say that I understand the context in which he made his comments. I have said the same thing in conversation with my peers. Granted I did not use the words "trash or burn" but although my exacts words were different the meaning was basically the same. It is very difficult these days economically especially in the Detroit area and a high school diploma is just not enough. The big 3 here in Detroit is not the cushion it used to be for people coming out of high school. There needs to be additional education and with out it there are limited opportunities for people, especially people of color. That's only being honest. I think Mr. Bryne's comments are being challenged by minorities because there is so much racial tension in the country right now with the Jena6 incident and countless others, that some people of color are overly sensitive and raw. As a person of color I understand the feelings of why are we sometimes treated differently and why are we talked about, at times, like second class citizens. But I urge people to carefully look at the truth for themselves before making a judgement and honestly think back to some the same conversations you may have had within your peer group and families. I have no knowledge of what is in Mr. Bryne's heart but if I just go by his words alone I see no harm in what he said.

Peace & Blessings